Posts Tagged With: Yosemite Falls

Yosemite National Park & Rest of Cali


After an amazing stay in Southern Cali, we moved onto Yosemite National Park!  However, we didn’t plan ahead very well… at all.  We got to Campsite 4 which was a major campsite for tenting within Yosemite and it was on a first come first serve basis.  We knew that the ranger running the campground would not be there until about 8:30 a.m. so we got there about 15 minutes early and there was a massive line already!  We drove around all of Yellowstone for two and a half hours looking for any tent sites that were open, but the best thing that we could find was our way onto a waiting list for a tent site with 15 groups ahead of us.  Disappointingly, we had to turn what was planned to be a 2-night stay in Yosemite into a day trip.

Not wasting any more time, we found out one of the best rated attractions within the park which were Yosemite Falls.  This hike gave me a run for my money for sure.  Between the scorching heat and the altitude, my so-I-thought fit body was folding under the conditions.  I slowed the pace a bit and found that to be a lot more accommodating.  The hike to the top of the falls had plenty of stops for scenic pictures and I will say this a millions times throughout these blog posts, but no pictures will do any justice for any of these national parks that we hit.  The beauty and the sheer size of these parks is breathtaking to say the least.

Making the final stretch to the top, a second wind caught on because I wanted to see these falls so bad!  Also not planning too great once again, we didn’t end up grabbing any lunch meats or really anything to eat so we had a long, strenuous hike with just snacks as fuel.  However, the dip in the ice cold water of the falls was completely rejuvenating.  I felt like a new man after dipping my head and soaking my hat for the trek down.  The view from the top was unlike anything I’ve experienced.  Each new national park that I have gotten to explore does not disappoint, and as bad as I wanted to rest and give up at times while doing the hike, getting to the top and experiencing the view is worth is every single time without a doubt.

After a long, hot day hiking the falls, we found a slow-flowing river to bathe in for the time being.  With the brisk refreshment and feeling much cleaner, we started making our way to Sacramento where we stayed at another KOA campground.  The bugs and the heat at night were a new obstacle for us.  However, laying on gravel was ten times more comfortable than sleeping in the car.  In the morning, we closed up shop in Cali and moved onto Yellowstone National Park!

Check out the rest of the pictures from Yosemite and Cali on the Ultimate Road Trip Facebook page!

Categories: June 2013 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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