Posts Tagged With: Bourbon Street

New Orleans


Ah, New Orleans.  There really cannot be words to describe this city, it is truly something that you have to experience first hand to understand what it is like.  Pictures can do no justice when it comes to the people that you will see and the aromas that come from Bourbon Street.  After a great time in Nashville, New Orleans was kind of a buzz kill.  The main street that we took into downtown was Canal Street which was actually a pretty nice scene.

Bourbon Street was an experience to say the least.  As soon as you turn the corner onto the party center, the weirdness ensues, fast.  The one thing that I will never forget or be able to take back is the smell of Bourbon Street: raw sewage mixed with 3-day-old trash that’s been baking in the sun.  As far as the scene goes, call me lame but it totally is not for me.  I took note of three main demographics on Bourbon Street: older people (40-60), locals from New Orleans, and roughly 3-year post-college grads acting like they are back in college.  Seeing all of the homeless people that will literally do anything for a dollar made me just go all philosophical and took away from the actual crowd a bit.  However, it did make me realize just how fortunate I am to have every single little thing in my life that I do, even the problems that I face.  I’m worried about my next oil change while these people are worried about making it through another night.

After a stroll up and down Bourbon Street, we decided to head back to Canal Street and see what that other part of the city was like.  It smelt much nicer and was a lot more upscale.  The River Walk was pretty neat as well with little seafood restaurants everywhere.  A few minutes sufficed on the River Walk so we headed to Harrah’s Casino right in downtown to see if it was any good.  If you’ve been to Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun, no other casino will compare unless its in Vegas.  We only spent about a half hour in Harrah’s then decided our time had come to move onto the next one: Houston, Texas

Check out the rest of the photos from New Orleans on The Ultimate Road Trip Facebook page!

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